Mothers day x

Another year has passed and what a year it has been.  There’s been lots of highs and lots of lows unfortunately but on Mothers day it would be remiss of me not to tell my Mam how much I love her,admire her and continue to strive to be half the woman she is.  Her strength, determination and stubbornness to be anything but positive even in hard times makes me only more proud that she is my mother. She continues to teach me how to be a better mother myself, her kindness and patience knows no bounds and her love for the twins shines brightly, it’s little wonder they utterly adore Nana.

Since I wrote this piece on how you will always be your Mammies baby last year. the twins are hurtling towards four, we have laughed lots,cried lots and both the twins and myself have had many tantrums but it’s been another twelve months of being amazed at how when I thought I couldn’t possibly love them even more that my love grows deeper.  Every snuggle, every I love you Mammy, every belly laugh, Every hurt knee, every vice like hug makes me want to stay enveloped in their little arms forever and for time to stop,standstill so I can carefully put that memory into my mind and never forget it.

I longed for the day my children would come home from playschool and present me with handmade cards and today that happened. The secret they were so excited to tell me about a few weeks ago that they were working on was finally in my hands. Cards made from their three and a half year old handprints. Cards that mean so much to me and will be carefully stored away with all the other significant handmade cards they’ve made with Daddy since they came hurtling into our lives.

I know I am lucky to be a mother to two beautiful children and even luckier to call my Mother my Mam  xx

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